Using Technology in the Classroom: Linguaskill Case Study
The effective Use of Technology in Education has changed the face of education and it has created more educational opportunities. Both teachers and students have benefited from various educational technologies, teachers have learned how to integrate technology in their classrooms and students are getting more interested in learning with technology. The use of technology in education has removed educational boundaries, both students and teachers can collaborate in real time using advanced educational technologies.
Cambridge Assessment presents one of its pioneer products: Linguaskill. This sessions looks at the best uses and applications of this new cutting-edge technology.
Hisham AlSaghbini | Cambridge Assessment
aLab: Exploring New Potential in Higher Education with iPad
This session provides educators with the opportunity to intimately connect technologically-enhanced pedagogy with their teaching and learning contexts. The iPad provides great flexibility in terms of mobility with both online and offline learning environments and can facilitate diverse learning experiences. iPad has been found in several studies to be highly motivating for students regardless of age (Burden et al., 2012; Manuguerra and Petocz, 2011; and Saine, 2012). It has developed a capacity beyond its initial usage as an e-book reader or web browser. It is now a tool for the consolidation and aggregation of information (Ansk & Milinoski, 2011). The iPad is also merited for its ability to engage and potentially enhance student learning experiences (Brand et al, 2011; Diemer, Fernandez & Streepey, 2012; Fontelo, Faustorilla, Gavino & Marcelo, 2012; Perez et al, 2011). A systematic literature review of peer-reviewed publications (Nguyen, Barton & Nguyen, 2015) found that uses of the iPad in higher education have coalesced around academic functions such as accessing course resources and library databases, note-taking, communicating, presenting content and taking online assessments. This is an opportunity to show that much more can be achieved with this technology through this interactive session.
MICHAEL PAZINAS | CEnter of educational innovation, zayed university
Research Methodologies for Classroom-Based Research: Transforming Teacher Practice
Transforming and improving teaching practice is the ultimate objective of any teacher professional development program. However, not all professional development models can help educators achieve long term transformation. More often than not, professional development programs are one-shot events that leave faculty unable to put into practice what they learned during the training. Research has shown that models of professional development that are longitudinal and allow faculty to take initiative and play an active role in their own development are most likely to effect long term change and improvement of their teaching practice. This session will explore two such models of professional development, namely the Inquiry Model and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as frameworks for helping practitioners engage in classroom research projects that can help them identify issues in their teaching practice, devise strategies to overcome the issues, implement these strategies and observe their impact on student learning. The session will demonstrate how each model can be implemented and what skills and knowledge educators will need in order to fully engage with them. Examples of classroom projects that utilize these models will be shared with the participants.